14 Jul 2020 by Jeff Alkazian

We were informed yesterday that the county has shut down all organized sports (including practices, conditioning, etc) for more than 2 people at a time. You can read about it here:

When you get to that site, scroll down and you will find it in a red box.

That being said, we will be pausing our “in-person” practices until we get approval to resume.

This is very upsetting and there may be opposing opinions and I respect both sides of the argument. BUT… as an organization we pride ourselves on what we teach our girls and not abiding by rules/mandates by the governing bodies (even if we do not agree) is counter to the principals and ideals we stand for. There will be other teams that will ignore this ruling and continue to play (and potentially receive hefty fines). That is their choice (and risk) to send that message to their girls and families.

We will be increasing our online instruction by moving our ZOOM sessions to SATURDAY mornings at 9AM with Jenna. We will have a practice plan online so you will know what to expect.

This “pause” doesn’t stop you from working out on your own. As we saw last Saturday you are ALL out of shape and you can use this pause for some good daily conditioning… DO NOT STAY IN YOUR HOUSE AND DO NOTHING! Get outside… just do it appropriately.

We will be back on the field as soon as they let us.

Stay strong and stay safe


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